dimanche 29 avril 2012

Invitation from Hell

 "Fall of the 3rd Roof  / La chute du 3ème plafond."

Quick roughs for an old project. Currently searching for the visual style.

"After the fall of the 2nd roof (a third of the stars) destroying the entire city, the Godfathers took the power and rule everything. Even though, they are despots, thanks to them the population knows some order after the chaos.
Yann is an ex-independant reporter, unemployed because of the Godfathers regime who controls any kind of public information. On the verge of giving up fighting against this government, he receives two strange mails.
The first is an invitation from Hell.
The second, a convocation coming from the Great Godfather in person.
A few minutes later, an even more strange girl urges him to follow her, for the sake of this dimension.

Meanwhile, the stars of the 3rd roof start falling... "There is no more time" "

"Après la chute du 2ème plafond (un tiers des étoiles) détruisant la ville entière, les Parrains prennent le pouvoir. Ce sont des dictateurs et pourtant, grâce à eux, la population ébranlée connait un peu de répit et d'ordre après le chaos.
Yann est un ancien reporter, retraité forcé par le régime des Parrains qui contrôlent toute la presse. Sur le point d'abandonner le combat contre le gouvernement, il reçoit deux étranges lettres :
La première est une invitation venant de l'Enfer.
La seconde, une convocation du Grand Parrain en personne.
 Quelques minutes plus tard il est pratiquement pris en otage par une fille bizarre qui lui parle de "sauver cette dimension".

Pendant ce temps, le 3ème plafond commence à son tour à perdre ses étoiles... "Le temps nous est compté... "  "

samedi 28 avril 2012

Flying Potatoe

"lalalalala ♪   .... Oh no, oh no... Gnnnnh! Oh my god ! *shrrrrrrrrrr* huf ! huf ! Gnnnh...Plop !    Fiuu... -___-"

This is a weird ground, it's trying to suck it in    >___>

vendredi 27 avril 2012


This is a sculpting I did last year for my very last sculpting class  (ç__ç)
I did a little touch up the past few days and it needs a lot of smoothing on the surface but I know I will never be pleased with it  :/

Oh yeah, by the way. I'd better be clear about it now. I'm NEVER satisfied with any of my work. I'm looking for perfection and can't seem to find it so... I won't say it again, since it is all but pleasant to read an artist who constantly depreciate his work. Yet, I have a lot of learning and working ahead of me, and I know it  ;)

jeudi 26 avril 2012

[Illustrator CS5]

Here are the thumbnails I made for my head bar menu. Too bad it can't be customized.
Anyway, if someone is interested, it's free ^^ [Ask me the Ai file]


 Okay. Here it is.
The Grand Opening.
I originally wanted to customize a little this site but turns out the new dynamic view of blogger is uncostumizable... So I choosed the KISS way. (Keep It Simple, Stupid ! from Richard Williams  ☺)

I threw all my previous work in Archives (look up in the header bar), deleted all the pages I had for Animation etc ... and created Categories so you'll be able to easily find any previous article ("previous"="from now on")

Menu is the Menu page with all my links for Vimeo (empty ☹), DeviantArt, this blog and my tumblr. Since I erased my Portfolio page, the link isn't working anymore. 
My tumblr follow the "one post a day" rule. This is actually a fantasm. Like every fantasm, I fear this resolution won't last long !
But in each post, there is an hidden link : if you click on the picture, it will redirect you at ... well, whatever I wanted you to see when I created the post. It could be anything : an artist's blog who inspires me, a database I used for the post, a video I was watching when posting, an illegal download, a virus... Anything !

Animation brings together all my animations, whatever the technique and the duration.

Pictures contains finished illustrations.

Comics contains my attempts in this field : European comics and Flash comics.

Miscellaneous regroups doodles, roughs, layouts, researches, 3D and others creations.

Work in Progress is my current project. A short animation film, I'll post a specific article for this one ;)
(smileys are for the steps done and yet to be done)

As for now it contains nothing yet, so please come again this evening and each evening after to follow my progress ! ;)

[If you want a french version of my posts, please say so!] 
[ Pour les anglophobes je peux faire une version française de mes posts, n'hésitez pas à me le demander ]