jeudi 28 février 2013

Concept design griffon 2#

My two favorites.
Still some digging about the "armor"  on the Bad version.

Mes deux favoris, même si je ne suis pas encore satisfaite du côté de l'armure du "Méchant griffon".


Concept design - Griffin

Researches on the Griffin, the second character...

Quelques versions du griffon, le deuxième perso.

mardi 12 février 2013

Turn around !

Le personnage final ! Je changerai sûrement encore les valeurs, comme je ne suis pas encore fixée sur le rendu des décors, je ne sais pas encore avec quoi je dois l'accorder.

Final turn around of the main character :-)
(Clic for more details)

Petit zoom sur la tête 

Hope you like it !

samedi 9 février 2013

References drawings & research

These are just drawing notes from photo references I found interesting. (For the Griffin and an other character very secondary)

Seulement des croquis extra-rapides d'après certaines photos que je trouvais intéressantes pour les prochains design.

And the veeeery first thing I put down for the design of the griffin
Et le tout premier dessin du griffon métallique... Bientôt les autres recherches :)

Since you've been good guys, quiet & all (& not there either obviously) , here's a map from a scene which gave me a lot of struggle.

Et comme vous êtes sages (et pas là, surtout), vous avez le droit à une petite carte, faite alors que je luttais pour comprendre comment devait marcher cette scène.

(I thought it was cute and reminded me of Porco Rosso ^.^)

vendredi 8 février 2013

jeudi 7 février 2013

Break - Pause

Aujourd'hui rien à voir avec mon court métrage :) 
Quelques pages de mon sketchbook actuel...

Today just some sketches from my poor & neglected moleskine

Inspiré d'un vrai couple croisé l'autre jour dans Nantes.
Une toute petite femme avec un très grand monsieur, sortant d'un magasin de musique avec tous les deux un ukulele sous le bras.
 Cute couple witnessed, coming out of a music store with two ukulele.

 Ma version de la Faucheuse (un peu blasée)

Death, according to me.

Pitch Black, emprunté au dernier Dreamworks en date, les Cinq Légendes

Pitch Black from the awesome Rise of the Guardians (Dreamworks Animation)

mercredi 6 février 2013

Mood Sketches - 1#

Okay, since the model sheet is a little too messy right now, today it will just be a mood sketch :)

mardi 5 février 2013


Last step before the final model sheet. Please bear with it a little longer :P

       Some research on the ears...

And some random sketches ... Trying to get the spirit of the character


lundi 4 février 2013

Concept Art - Final

And here is the final character design selected. Or so I thought. But it changed little by little while I was doing the storyoard so you'll have to expect some (minor) changes again.

For the little story, the character was a faun but he began to loses his faun-like features (the goat bottom and all) and looks more and more like a human as the forest dies.

In his little purse he has the last seeds that can save the forest, his job is to go to the heart of the forest and "load" the seeds with the spirit of the oldest stone and then go spread it around.
But the enemy is near and under the shape of an iron griffin, hunts him down.

So, next time : last sketches before the final-final design of this little fellow :)

dimanche 3 février 2013

Concept Art Fail

When you don't get what you want at all

For the first one, I had in mind that the character is originally a guardian of the forest... And I got this weird anime-type design. Bluh.

Well, I kind of like it but it doesn't suit the spirit of the story... The character has to be cute in a way.

Which bring us to the second fail... I kept thinking "He has to be cute he has to be cute..." and... voilà !

I fell in love with the ears so I'm keeping it. But for the rest : garbage ! :)

I didn't have that much design, finally since I had a pretty clear idea of the character when I started working on this. (But with much time, I would've loved going farther and looking for more daring designs ...)

Anyway, next time : the selected design of the character !